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The Prisoner
Episode Studies by Clayton Barr

The Prisoner: Darling The Prisoner
TV Episode
Written by Bill Gallagher
Directed by Nick Hurran
Original U.S. air date: November 15, 2009


6 is made to participate in the Village's computerized matchmaking service to find a mate.


Read the summary of this episode at IMDB


Characters appearing or mentioned in this episode







132 (mentioned only)

2831 (mentioned only)

897 (mentioned only)

43-26 (mentioned only)

968 (mentioned only)



21-16 (147's wife)



Didja Know?


This episode gets its title from the episode of the original series, "Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darling".


Didja Notice?


The computer at the Modern Love Bureau at 2:56 on the DVD is from Village Electronics.


The following individuals are found to be no match for 6 by the Modern Love Bureau computer's blink match technology: 132, 2831, 897, 423-26, 968.


6 tells 415 he'd like to get to know her "tonight", just as his alter-ego Michael said to her (Lucy) in "Arrival".


The holes that form in the ground when M2 is awake in the Village are referred to as "ambiance anomalies".


The powers-that-be tell the Village residents that each home will be given a pig, as scientific studies have proven that swine breath helps to fight ambiance anomalies. Posters about it even go up around town! Possibly, the pigs are an oblique reference to George Orwell's 1945 artistic-political novel Animal Farm, in which barnyard animals overthrow the human owner of the farm, led by the pigs.

pig poster


At 31:56 on the DVD, the hole in 147's back yard is now filled in. How did it get that way? A deleted scene featured in the bonus material of the DVD shows a team of Village workers putting a tent over it; they must have filled it in or "repaired" it somehow. But, if this is the case, why is there another, unfilled hole near the end of the episode which 147 threatens to jump into in his despair over the loss of his daughter and accusations of his wife? M2 has been depicted as having awoken again, so why would any holes be left unfixed?


At 45:14 on the DVD, a restaurant behind Michael in New York is called Orange Marmalade, with the slogan "Everyday opulence". This is actually a restaurant in Cape Town, South Africa, where the exterior New York scenes of the series were shot.


An advertising sign on top of a New York taxi at 45:15 shows an address on Avenue of the Americas. Avenue of the Americas is Sixth Avenue in the New York City borough of Manhattan.

Unanswered Questions

Why is 415 blind when her counterpart in the real world, Lucy, isn't? Did 2 arrange it that way somehow? If so, why?

Does 147's little daughter 832 have a counterpart in the real world? If so, what happened to her when 832 fell into the void of the hole?

Memorable Dialog

Good morning 6.wav
every home is to be given a pig.wav
we're a two pig family.wav
2 brought me here to break your heart.wav

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